By: Scott Bahr

Our fantastic team at Bit Service is dedicated to serving our clients well every day. We know that it is these stellar individuals who are the absolute heart of our company, and that they’re the ones who fuel our continued, collective success.

With this in mind, we thought it would be fantastic to take an opportunity to introduce one more exceptional member of our staff — a recent addition who is already adding exponential value to our team, and by extension, our cherished clients.

So, without further ado, we’d like to formally introduce you to Arthur Cradock, Bit Service’s brand new Continuous Improvement Engineer. Now, for those of you who aren´t familiar with this role and all that it entails, Arthur was actually kind enough to summarize his responsibilities:

“My role is developing efficient and quality driven manufacturing processes for new in-house products [and] also supporting the ongoing optimization of existing processes to ensure the company remains competitive,” said Arthur.

When asked what newly hired Arthur is most looking forward to upon beginning work with Bit Service, he stated that the small business environment combined with a strong foundation in the potash industry are the two main keys points that drew him to Bit Service. He also added that it was our vision to expand in-house manufacturing capabilities that truly got him excited about his upcoming role with us.

We are also very excited, as Arthur’s background (being educating in the field of mechanical engineering and maintenance management) is uniquely fitted for covering all things mining, manufacturing, and industrial maintenance — just what we need!

Arthur himself added that he has “a keen personal interest in all things manufacturing,” and that “both [his] education and personal interests align well with the incremental improvement approach [he will] bring to Bit Service.”

As for what inspires Arthur, he admits to being fascinated by two particular public figures: Elon Musk and Nick Offerman. According to Arthur, “They couldn’t be more different, yet they both inspire me in different ways. As a fellow engineer, Elon has lived a fascinating and driven life. He has a very clear long-term vision and has been so amazingly focused in achieving it. He applies fundamental engineering principles of removing all waste in design and manufacture in a way that few others come close to.”

And Nick? Arthur explained, “Nick Offerman on the other hand is a very down to earth, humble, and humorous individual. He has followed his own path in life and somewhat accidentally ended up as a public figure. He captures my spirit with a passion for woodworking and appreciation of the small details in life.”

When he is not hard at work, you can find Arthur staying active, with anything from snowboarding to mountain biking, backcountry camping, woodworking and automotive mechanics a possible item on the itinerary.

When asked the biggest career lesson he’s learned so far, Arthur shared that, “Positive encouragement goes a long way towards team success.” And as for that one thing Arthur couldn´t live without? He shared, “I would have a difficult time without the ability to use my hands. Creating things is such a huge part of who I am.” And Bit Service is certainly grateful that is such a big part of his identity, as we know we are already benefitting greatly from his passion and expertise in that area.

Here at Bit Service, we would like to extend a warm welcome to Arthur.

If you’d like to learn more about what we do, and how we can serve you, contact us today for more information.


